Supported CSS Specifications
Prince supports, fully or partially, the following CSS specifications:
CSS Level 2 | |
CSS 2.1 | Prince supports the specification, with few exceptions: Prince does not support
the quotes property or the open-quote and close-quote
values. Prince does not support properties that apply only to interactive media. Prince does
not support visibility: collapse , nor the armenian or
georgian list styles. Prince treats 1ex equivalently to
0.5em , which might not be correct for some fonts. |
CSS Level 3 | |
CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 | Prince supports the new properties and values relating to flex and grid layout. |
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 | Prince does not support the border-image property. |
CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 | Prince largely supports this module. Please note that the initial value of
widows and orphans has been changed from
2 to 1 . |
CSS Color Module Level 3 | Prince supports opacity . It supports some of the extensions of the
color property. |
CSS Generated Content Module Level 3 | Prince does not recognize the quotes property and the quote-related
content types. |
CSS Fonts Module Level 3 | Beyond the definitions in CSS 2.1, Prince supports font-stretch ,
font-kerning , font-variant-caps and font-variant-ligatures .
Prince also provides a different interface to the functionality of the
font-feature-settings property through the
font-variant: prince-opentype()
function. |
CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3 | Prince does not support the marker-side property. |
CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module | Prince recognizes footnote-display and string-set as
well as the mechanism for running elements. It does not recognize the
running or footnote-policy properties, but Prince provides
a different interface to the functionality of footnotes (see Footnotes). |
CSS Page Floats - Editor's Draft | Prince recognizes the properties float , float-reference and float-defer , but takes a different syntax. |
CSS Images Module Level 3 | Prince supports the mandatory values of image-orientation , as
well as the properties object-fit and object-position . |
CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1 | Prince largely supports this module. |
CSS Overflow Module Level 3 | Prince supports the overflow property's behaviour as described in the Level 3 module, but does not support the 2-value syntax. |
CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 | Prince supports this module. |
CSS Text Module Level 3 | Prince does not recognize line-break , text-align-all
and hanging-punctuation . It does not support the value
break-word of the property word-break , nor the value
anywhere of the property overflow-wrap , nor the value
break-spaces of the property white-space . |
CSS Transforms Module Level 1 | Prince recognizes transform and transform-origin , but
does not recognize transform-box . Prince does not allow perspective transforms. |
CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI) | Prince recognizes box-sizing and text-overflow . |
CSS Writing Modes Level 3 | Prince partially implements writing-mode and unicode-bidi . |
CSS Namespaces Module Level 3 | Prince supports namespaces in CSS. |
CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3 | Prince supports the @media
and @supports at-rules. |
Filter Effects Module Level 1 - Editor's Draft | Prince supports the filter , color-interpolation-filters , flood-color and flood-opacity properties. |
CSS Level 4 | |
CSS Fonts Module Level 4 | Beyond the definitions in CSS 2.1 and CSS Fonts Module Level 4, Prince supports Font Variations (Variable Fonts). |
CSS Color Module Level 4 | Prince supports the syntax for rgb() and hsl() , as well as the hwb() color function - except for the value none . |
CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 | Prince supports this module as of Prince 12, with the exception of
page breaking/fragmentation, visibility: collapse and vertical writing. |
CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 | Prince supports this module, with the exception of baseline alignment, collapsing auto-fit tracks, and fit-content sizing. |
Selectors Level 4 | Prince largely supports this module. |
Media Queries Level 4 | Prince supports this module as of Prince 11.1. |
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 4 | Prince supports the new supports() condition for the @import rule. |
CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4 | Prince supports the accent-color property for PDF radio and checkbox form controls. |
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 4 | Prince recognizes the border-clip property, but takes a different syntax. |
CSS Images Module Level 4 - Editor's Draft | Prince recognizes image-resolution , but takes a different syntax. |
CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1 | Prince supports this module. |
CSS Level 5 | |
CSS Color Module Level 5 | Prince supports the device-cmyk() function from this module. |
Living Standards | |
CSS Books | Prince supports target counters, footnote floats, bookmarks labels, levels and
states, the flow property and the string-set property. |
CSS Figures | Prince largely supports the float extensions of the spec. |
SVG | |
SVG 1.1 | Prince supports the specification with some exceptions - please see Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for a full list of currently not supported elements. |